If selecting credit card, PayPal, linked bank account, or Bitcoin, as your payment method you may buy metal in almost any quantity at any time. There is no minimum transaction size in terms of dollars. Gold, silver and platinum can be purchased in fractional ounces up to three decimal places. If selecting personal check or bank wire as your payment type, there is a minimum transaction amount of $100.
Articles in this section
- What are the fees and transaction limits with each payment option?
- What do I need to know when paying by Bank Wire?
- What do I need to know when paying by personal check?
- What do I need to know when paying by ACH bank transfer?
- What do I need to know when paying by PayPal or Credit Card?
- What do I need to know when paying by Bitcoin?
- Once an order is locked in, am I able to change the payment method?
- What happens if my order is cancelled?
- How are the metals priced?
- How is spot price calculated?